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HomeEvents CalendarCCPA Annual Meeting & Lunch (12-1 pm) Workshop (1-4 pm)

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CCPA Annual Meeting & Lunch (12-1 pm) Workshop (1-4 pm)

About this event

CCPA Annual Meeting and Lunch, 12-1PM

Presentation by Alicia M. Del Prado, PhD, 1-4PM

Let’s Talk!  Cultivating Constructive Communication When There Are Cultural Differences   3CE In-person presentation with lunch provided.  Zoom option available.

Friday, January 24th Lafayette Library, 3491 Mount Diablo Blvd. Lafayette



In-person: (includes CCPA Business Meeting Lunch)
CCPA Member $110, 
Non-Member $120, Student $25

Zoom only: CCPA Member $100, Non-Member $110, Students $15
(CCPA Members, please log in)



Workshop Description

This 3 CE workshop offers an approach to navigating challenging conversations about cultural diversity topics within a clinical, therapeutic relationship. Join Alicia del Prado, Ph.D. co-author of It’s Time to Talk (And listen): How to Have Constructive Conversations About Race, Class, Sexuality, Ability, and Gender in a Polarized World (2019) to learn strategies for staying grounded, connected, and clinically effective when topics of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging emerge in session. Create an individualized plan for avoiding common barriers and challenges while maximizing personal strengths.

Presenter Alicia M. Del Prado, Ph.D. is a tenured associate professor at The Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA, and a licensed counseling psychologist with a private practice in Danville, CA. She has published numerous journal articles and chapters on cross-cultural psychology; personality; acculturation; and ethnic identity, including the first enculturation scale for Filipino Americans; and provides consultation and trainings on multicultural issues to companies and colleges. del Prado is chair and cofounder of the Asian American Psychology Association’s (AAPA) Division on Asian Americans with Multiple Heritages, and was awarded both the Alameda County Psychological Association’s Janet Hurwich Award and the AAPA Okura Community Leadership Award.


Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the four core steps (grounded in the theoretical framework of the Kim Constructive Conversation Model, KCCM) for engaging in constructive conversations that center around cultural diversity and differences within the therapist-client relationship.
  2. Apply four steps of constructive conversation strategies to 2 clinical scenarios
  3. Identify 2 common barriers to having constructive conversations about cultural topics
  4. Complete the worksheet “Applying Constructive Conversation to Your Professional Life” a personalized plan for incorporating constructive conversations in your clinical work.


California Psychological Association (CPA) is co-sponsoring with Contra Costa County Psychological Association.  CPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists CPA maintains responsibility for this program and its contents. Important Notice: Those who attend the workshop and complete the CPA evaluation form will receive 3.0 continuing education credits. Please note that APA CE rules require that we give credit only to those who attend the entire workshop. Those arriving more than 15 minutes after the start time or leaving before the workshop is completed will not receive CE credits.

Refund Policy: All payments are final. We do not provide refunds for event registration/s or other misc. charges  (They include: membership signups and renewals, donations, and purchases) Please review the charges carefully.

Date and Time

Friday, January 24, 2025, 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM


Lafayette Library
3491 Mount Diablo Blvd.
Lafayette, CA  

Event Contact(s)

Alissa Scanlin
CE Program Chair
9252007666 (p)


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Registration Info

Registration is closed